(972) 386-6369 Mon-Fri 8am-5pm CST Sat 8am-5pm CST
4280 Spring Valley Rd. Dallas, TX, 75244

Grooming Tips

Cat Grooming Tips

Cats clean themselves, why should I have to groom them? While it's true that cats are fastidious self-groomers, there are several important reasons why grooming by humans is still essential for their health and happiness. These reasons include:

- Stimulation of Circulation: Regular grooming helps stimulate blood flow to your cat's skin, which promotes overall skin health. This stimulation can also encourage the production of natural oils that keep your cat's coat healthy and shiny.

- Removal of Loose Hair: Even though cats groom themselves, they still shed hair, especially during certain times of the year. Regular grooming helps to remove loose hair from your cat's coat, reducing the amount of hair they ingest through grooming and minimizing hairballs.

- Prevention of Matting: Cats with long or thick coats are prone to matting, which occurs when loose hair becomes tangled and matted together. Grooming helps to remove tangles and prevent mats from forming, which can be uncomfortable and even painful for your cat.

- Bonding and Socialization: Grooming your cat provides an opportunity for bonding and socialization. Helping them to feel comfortable with being handled is especially beneficial for kittens or shy cats.

- Monitoring Health: Regular grooming sessions give us the chance to closely examine your cat's skin and coat for any signs of possible concerns including lumps and bumps you may miss with casual grooming at home. Early detection of health issues can lead to prompt treatment and better outcomes for your cat.

Overall, grooming is an essential part of your cat's care routine, contributing to their physical and emotional well-being. While cats do groom themselves, they can benefit greatly from the additional care and attention provided by their human friends.


At-Home Grooming

Regular grooming offers numerous benefits beyond just maintaining your cat's appearance. It provides an opportunity for quality bonding time between you and your furry friend, allowing you to strengthen your relationship while maintaining their grooming needs. During grooming sessions, you have the chance to closely inspect your cat's skin for any signs of fleas, ticks, or other issues. By moving aside the hair and examining the skin, you can identify any abnormalities early on and take appropriate action.

Additionally, grooming allows you to address common grooming-related issues such as mats, tangles, and skin irritations. It's important to handle mats gently, as cutting them with scissors can easily result in injury to your cat's delicate skin. If you encounter stubborn mats that you're unable to remove, scheduling a professional grooming appointment with Cat Connection is recommended to ensure your cat receives the care they need.

Understanding your cat's preferences during grooming is also important for ensuring a positive experience at home and in the store. Pay attention to areas where your cat enjoys being brushed or combed, as well as areas that may require more gentle handling, such as the ears. By catering to your cat's comfort during grooming sessions, you can help reduce stress and resistance in future sessions.

Cat bathing is another essential aspect of coat maintenance and overall health. While most cats may not enjoy baths, they are necessary for keeping their coat clean and healthy. Cat Connection recommends bathing short-haired cats at least twice a year and medium/long-haired cats at least four times a year. Our experienced groomers specialize in working with cats and prioritize their comfort and well-being throughout the bathing process.

When scheduling your grooming appointment at Cat Connection, please provide honest information about the condition of your cat's coat. We typically book appointments 2-3 weeks in advance due to high demand, so it's important to plan accordingly. Remember, maintaining your cat's coat between grooming appointments is your responsibility, so be sure not to neglect proper brushing and combing to prevent mats and tangles from forming.



Grooming is indeed crucial for kittens, just as it is for adult cats. While mother cats groom their kittens to help keep them clean, young kittens also need assistance with grooming from their human companions.

Starting grooming sessions at a young age is especially beneficial for kittens as it helps them become accustomed to the grooming process and reduces the likelihood of resistance as they grow older. Short grooming sessions, introduced gradually, allow kittens to acclimate to being handled and brushed without becoming overwhelmed or overstimulated.

During grooming sessions with your kitten, it's important to provide constant reassurance in gentle tones. This helps create a positive association with grooming and reinforces trust between you and your kitten. Over time, your kitten will become more comfortable with grooming and may even look forward to these bonding sessions with you. By establishing a regular grooming routine and approaching it with patience and gentleness, you can help your kitten develop good grooming habits that will benefit them throughout their life.

At Cat Connection, we understand the importance of grooming for kittens and cats of all ages. Our experienced groomers are skilled in handling kittens with care and ensuring that grooming sessions are stress-free and enjoyable for both kittens. Thank you for considering us for your kitten's grooming needs.



Regular grooming plays a vital role in maintaining your cat's overall health and well-being. By incorporating combing and brushing into your cat's routine, you can help keep their coat clean and healthy while also stimulating their skin and promoting circulation. Here are some additional benefits of regular grooming:

- Prevention of Hairballs: Regular grooming helps to remove loose hair from your cat's coat, reducing the amount of hair they ingest during self-grooming. This can help prevent the formation of hairballs, which can be harmful if they accumulate in the cat's stomach.

- Early Detection of Health Issues: Grooming provides an opportunity to closely inspect your cat's skin and coat for any signs of potential problems, such as areas of hair loss, inflammation, tenderness, or lumps under the skin. Constant scratching or licking in a particular area may also indicate an underlying issue. If you notice any unusual symptoms, it's important to consult with your veterinarian for further evaluation and treatment.

- Assistance for Senior Cats: As cats age, they may have trouble grooming themselves, particularly if they have medium or long hair. In such cases, it's essential for cat owners to aid with grooming to ensure their cat maintains a clean and healthy coat. Regular grooming can help prevent mats, tangles, and skin issues in senior cats.

By making grooming a regular part of your cat's care routine, you can help keep them comfortable, healthy, and happy throughout their life. If you have any concerns about grooming or notice any changes in your cat's skin or coat, don't hesitate to seek guidance from your veterinarian.

Your proactive approach to grooming and monitoring your cat's health can contribute to their overall well-being and longevity. Please note, Cat Connection does not provide veterinary services.



Determining how often your cat needs to be combed or brushed depends on various factors, including the type and length of their coat, weather conditions, and the time of year.

Here are some general guidelines to consider:

- Short-haired Cats: Shorthaired cats typically require less frequent grooming compared to longhaired cats. In general, shorthaired cats should be combed or brushed about twice a week to remove loose hair, dirt, and debris from their coat.

- Long-haired Cats: Longhaired cats require more frequent grooming to prevent mats, tangles, and debris from accumulating in their coat. Ideally, long-haired cats should be combed or brushed daily to keep their coat healthy and free of knots.

- Weather Conditions and Time of Year: Weather conditions can also impact your cat's grooming needs. For example, cats may shed more during the warmer months, requiring increased grooming to remove excess fur. Similarly, during the winter, cats may benefit from additional grooming to remove dry, flaky skin and prevent mats from forming due to static electricity.

During grooming sessions, be sure to use appropriate grooming tools for your cat's coat type, such as a comb or brush designed specifically for shorthaired or longhaired cats. Take your time and be gentle, especially when grooming sensitive areas such as the belly, armpits, and tail.By establishing a regular grooming routine and paying attention to your cat's individual grooming needs, you can help keep their coat healthy, shiny, and free of mats and tangles.



It is important to comb carefully in the direction of hair growth to smooth the coat and remove any debris, minor knots or tangles.

For medium to long-haired cats, starting with a wide-tooth comb followed by a fine-tooth comb is an effective method for thorough grooming. The wide-tooth comb helps to detangle and loosen mats, while the fine-tooth comb can remove finer debris and ensure a smooth finish. After combing, using a shedding blade can further help to remove loose or dead hair from your cat's coat. Shedding blades are designed to remove excess fur efficiently, reducing shedding and preventing mats from forming.

Never use scissors to remove mats as this is very dangerous and could potentially injure your cat. The thin skin of cats can be easily cut, leading to injury and potential infections. If you encounter mats that are difficult to remove by combing alone, it's best to seek assistance from the Cat Connection groomers who can safely address the issue.

By incorporating these grooming techniques into your cat's care routine, you can help keep their coat healthy, shiny, and free of major mats and tangles. Remember to be gentle and patient during grooming sessions, and always prioritize your cat's comfort and well-being. If you have any concerns or encounter difficulties while grooming your cat, don't hesitate to seek advice from us or your veterinarian.



Using a wire slicker brush to brush your cat's coat (always in the direction of hair growth) is an effective way to detangle matted fur and remove dead hair and debris. This type of brush is particularly useful for cats with longer or thicker coats, as it can penetrate deeper into the fur and help to remove stubborn tangles.

After thoroughly brushing the coat with a wire slicker brush, you can follow up with a cat brush or comb to further enhance your cat's coat. Using long, flowing strokes with a cat brush helps to bring out the natural luster of your cat's coat and distribute their natural oils, resulting in a shiny and healthy appearance.

You can also try incorporating a grooming glove into your grooming routine can provide added benefits for your cat's coat and skin. A grooming glove can help to remove any remaining debris, massage the skin, and distribute natural oils, resulting in a shiny and healthy coat. Many cats enjoy the sensation of being groomed with a grooming glove, making it a pleasant experience for both you and your furry friend.

By incorporating these grooming techniques into your cat's care routine, you can help keep their coat healthy, shiny, and free of major mats and tangles. Remember to be gentle and patient during grooming sessions, and always prioritize your cat's comfort and well-being. If you have any concerns or encounter difficulties while grooming your cat, don't hesitate to seek advice from us or your veterinarian.


Nail Trimming

Regular nail trimming is crucial for your cat's health and well-being. Using the proper tools and techniques ensures a safe and comfortable experience for both you and your cat.

Here's a step-by-step guide to trimming your cat's nails:

- Choose the Right Tools: Use nail trimmers specifically designed for cats. Ordinary scissors can cause injury and should be avoided.

- Hold the Paw: Gently but firmly hold your cat's paw in your hand, applying slight pressure to the base of the nail. This will cause the nail to protrude slightly, making it easier to trim.

- Trim the Nail: With a single stroke, carefully trim off the tip of the nail, being mindful to stop short of the quick—the pink blood vessel inside the nail. Cutting into the quick can cause pain and bleeding.

- Use a Nail File: If possible, follow up with a nail file to smooth the cut edge of the nail. File in the direction of the tip to avoid splintering.

If you're uncomfortable with trimming your cat's nails or if your cat is particularly resistant, Cat Connection offers nail trimming services for a fee of $20.00. Simply give us a call to schedule an appointment, and our experienced groomers will take care of it for you. Additionally, we're happy to provide guidance on proper nail trimming techniques to help you feel more confident in the future.
By maintaining regular nail trimming sessions, you can help prevent your cat's nails from becoming overgrown and reduce the risk of injury or discomfort.


Food and Nutrition

Diet plays a significant role in maintaining your cat's overall health and well-being. Coupled with proper grooming, it can make a substantial difference in your cat's quality of life. At Cat Connection, we prioritize offering premium cat food specifically designed to meet the nutritional needs of every cat.
Common issues such as hairballs, excessive shedding, or vomiting food can often be addressed through dietary adjustments. If your cat is experiencing any dietary issues or if you're unsure about the best food for your cat's needs, please don't hesitate to visit our store or give us a call. Our team is dedicated to helping you find the perfect food to keep your cat healthy and happy.  Whether your cat requires a specialized diet to address specific health concerns or simply needs a high-quality food to support their overall wellness, we have a wide range of options available.
